Senin, 23 Mei 2016

Open Letter

Dear Chairman of the KPI
Mr. Dr. Judhariksawan, S.H., M.H.

Nowadays, almost in every Indonesian people's house have at least one television for the upper-income level, even not a few (sorry) of low class economy level have at least a television in their house. Television now become one of the updated information providers, that's what make television is very important right now beside the internet.
The problems that can be seen clearly today is broadcasts in television contains more elements not educate, in the sense not give a good example, which is supposed to be the successor to the nation Indonesia. Now we can see the many soap opera that aired in Indonesia were even taken from the other country television's channel. Where is the educational elements that should appear in the broadcasts, not intended to judge but we here see that the increasingly widespread foreign films screened in Indonesia, ranging from soap operas, movies, and even animated films. If u ask us, “There's mant too Indonesian's soap operas that we aired in Indonesian's channel, so what's the problem ?”. Yes right, indeed many soap operas are made in Indonesia, but why do we have to include elements of plagiarism, take the ideas of the west will be the film's story and adapt it in the soap opera we are, what we are doing is not cool, incorporating elements of the animals into the soap opera (sorry), even if you give a warning at the beginning of the film and the end of the film, still, viewers of television we are not just adults who are able to understand, but also a lot of kids who only know to watch and imitate what they see, as well as incidents of broadcast smackdown ago , which had claimed many casualties of childrens. Because of nowadays soap operas, one of our family even became the victim, one of us sister trying to imitate what she watched on television and trying become like adult but do not understand anything. And also we can see many of elementary school childrens began dating and spread their intimate photos on social media, what one of the factors that caused this ? of course what they see and watch, there are many negative side they took from the Internet, but do not we add to the broadcasts that not have educate side.
So, what we need now is to make a better channel, fix what went wrong. First we need to reducing the soap operas broadcast that does not educate and replace it with a broadcast cultures that exist in Indonesia, while initially they were bored and reluctant to watch, but they had no other choice but to look for another broadcast no more can be seen. We can imagine how we play them when the successor to tell about the cultures that exist in Indonesia from the beginning until their time, they try them with their friends on a side street with beautiful smiles on the faces of our successors.

From us who feel the morals destruction of our nation as a result of television broadcasts
Muh. Rijal Muttaqin                                                             Nur Rizky Herlisa
Jl. Bengkuring Raya 
Samarinda                                                                              Samarinda

Kamis, 11 Februari 2016

Alur Kehidupan

BAB 1 : Deskripsi
Konsep : Gambar 2 dimensi timbul menggunakan manik-manik
Media : Kain katun putih
Alat dan Bahan :
Alat : 1. Gunting
2. Batang korek kayu
3. Korek api
4. Penggaris
5. Pensil
6. Pensil warna, spidol dan crayon
7. Drawing Pen
8. Papan kayu
9. Air dan pewarna makanan
Bahan : 1. Manik-manik
2. Lem
3. Kain katun putih
4. Kotak nasi dan tempat tisu berbentuk kotak
5. Pita dan potongan kain
7. Kertas origami
8. Tisu
BAB 2 : Sinopsis
Karya saya ini menceritakan tentang box tisu yang melambangkan sebuah bahtera yang di dalamnya terdapat berbagai macam orang, mulai dari orang yang saling memperdulikan sesama sehingga mau dan ikhlas dalam melestarikan bumi pertiwi ini yaitu orang-orang dari golongan tua. Dan juga berisi orang-orang modern yang memiliki ego tinggi yang hanya ingin menguntungkan dirinya sendiri tanpa mau memperdulikan bumi pertiwi tempat dia tinggal, mereka yang hanya ingin meraup keuntungan dan enggan untuk merawat dan melestarikan alam. Di kedua sisinya terdapat keadaan bumi yang dahulunya indah menjadi hancur lebur akibat orang-orang yang enggan untuk melestarikan bumi ini, padahal bumi adalah ibu pertiwi yang telah menyediakan kehidupan bagi mereka. Bahtera ini dihiasi dengan tisu-tisu disekelilingnya yang merupakan simbol dari arus yang membawa bahtera ini. Kita manusia adalah sang nahkoda kapal, kemana kita akan membawa bumi kita ini, menuju ke kehidupan yang lebih baik ? Atau justru acuh tak acuh yang membuat kita terhempas ke samudra yang ada, yaitu kehancuran bumi kita tercinta ? Semuanya adalah pilihan yang akan kita buat.

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